An excellent game.
It's very similar to Hedgehog Launch in many ways, and yet entertaining for all its uniqueness. A greater variety of items (including weapons!) and the inclusion of enemies sets this game quite apart.
First off I'd like to say there's something morbidly addictive about watching a turtle (very obviously based on a Squirtle) being beaten to a bloody pulp. Equally satisfying was watching your turtle backflip over spikes, narrowly avoiding a gruesome death. This inspired the idea of a ninja turtle upgrade- giving your turtle a bandana, and instead of being battered every time it hit something (or was hit by something), moving in backflips and not appearing to take damage (unless via spike death).
Secondly, the game was challenging at first with so few things available for purchase. The shop prices were cleverly set up so that you had to make some initial purchases like the jetpack and cannons in order to set the foundations for future purposes. Eventually though, with certain weapons and jetpacks, one could propel oneself potentially indefinitely. It became ridiculously easy to advance hundreds of thousands of feet. The turtle spent minutes in the air, and it became quite boring holding down the w and d keys and just waiting for the turtle to come to a stop so it could be tossed again.
This leads me to my next point. The in-game medals were satisfying to collect. It was a great idea to have the medals give bonuses in-game! However. I feel that in the newgrounds medals overvalued "distance reached" and more points should be given to "time played", "height reached" (I was consistently reaching 2700 feet) and "items bought". And possibly enemies stomped. With the Tank (nice inclusion of newgrounds there) and the Golden Gun I easily reached 1.5 million feet but there wasn't any reward other than collecting money ($200000 from that level, I think) to buy more items to get the medal. Plus it's taken me less than two hours to do so, so time playing shouldn't be held as valuable as achievements earned.
And of course once you've bought everything, there's little value to continue playing because of the lack of story. I think what this game really needs is background. Even something as ridiculous as the one used in Hedgehog Launce (sending hedgehogs to the moon for research purposes) gave the game a purpose and a very satisfying (and adorable) conclusion. This is the main thing Toss the Turtle is lacking.
Another thing the game could have used is a stats page: how long you've played, total distance covered, that kind of thing. And an indicator in-game to show you how many of which enemies you've hit and how much money you've earned from the cash bags.
All up though, a solid and very enjoyable game, though it can be tiresome in the later levels.
Tips for players!
-Guns with more ammunition are more effective than guns with more power. The AK47 is just as effective as the Golden Gun.
-The angle of descent is the main factor for the height recovered when using weapons. In other words, it doesn't matter what altitude your turtle is at. Just wait for your turtle to face as head-first as possible to the ground, and shoot it the moment you can. Remember, if it's been off-screen, it's already fallen several hundred (if not thousand) feet so it's already angled quite sharply. Landing consecutive shots will send it right back up there.
-Invest in the chest bomb when you can afford it: the distance it can get you is far greater than the cost.
-Once you have a decent version of each, upgrade your jetpacks first, your cannons second, and your weapons last.