Excellent game!
Certianly one of the most addicting games I've come across on newgrounds. Although zombie defence games are by no means new, the birds-eye view of playing and the freedom of movement made this game different, and in its own ways more enjoyable than the others.
It was easy. I played defence mode and enjoyed it thoroughly, even if it was a little slow to start. I bought myself a submachine gun at the first available opportunity, and moved onto an assault rifle immediately after, upgrading experience bonuses as I went. The Famas did a fantastic job, but when I got to the FN Scar, things just became too easy. It was a slaughter house. An eventual 195 bullets, firing at 15 shots per second for 44 damage... One hit kill, and almost 200 shots without reloading. Getting experience was too easy after that, and after buying all the weapons I have to say the assault rifle still remains the most effective with a reload time of 0.333 seconds. Admittedly, the other weapons have their own satisfaction: The marksmanship of the pistols, the satisfying ch-chick of a shotgun, the spray of a minigun... The laser cannon was needed purely for the fact most birdseye shooters have them. I'm so glad to have a wide array of weaponary though- that's probably the greatest thing about this game. I suppose the only thing that was missing was a grenade or explosive of some kind (mines?)
A selection of music may have been needed! The game was lacking in sound, but made up for it in gameplay. The only other improvement I would suggest is an ability to "mop the floor" style option- to remove the blood from the ground at will.
That's it from me. A very well earned 10 out of 10, for keeping me engaged this many hours!
(High Score around 13000 before I commited suicide.)