Yeah, I have to say it came to a rather abrupt end. Really cool game though. The expansive levels were annoying, because the terrain was so familiar that it was just frustrating. Shorter levels with more enemies is the alternative, which I preferred to see in your previous Thing Thing's.
Costumes have improved once again, but the weapons seemed extremely limited by the end of the game. Zombie survival was very, very easy once you attained enough ammunition of a rapid-fire weapon. Stinky Beans was slightly more challenging, but I couldn't be bothered spending that much time playing the other sub-games.
Though I can believe the weapons continue to advance, there's not much difference between the upgrades and it kinda defeats the purpose of new weapons; they're exactly the same as the old ones, except slightly stronger. Madness Interactive is the best game for multitudes of weapons.
Regardless, well made. Interesting storyline-fairly original and all. Character design is good, but not a lot else to say.