Always a hidden weapon. Why not just take it out and save the trouble?! Lol, fantastic fight scene, though you'd think they'd just overpower him and rip him to shreds. If 8 ould take out his friend, there's no way he could fight his way out of thousands. Still, really good work on this, and glad to see other people coming to help, even if they are gonna kill him, it means more action, though I'm sure he'll find spme way out of it. Glad his friend's a zombie, fr some reason. At least he's not completely dead. Really good work again with the character designes, tohugh I did notice they were really the same things and people over and over, but hell it looks cool all the same. Very nice.
The sound again is good, it's always nice to hear pumped up music at a crucial part of the movie, the real climax. Love it. The second one was still by far the worst, but man, the third one was the most action packed. This one was more plot developing (the first was was totally plot developing) and I can't wait to find out about the 5th one. You really are getting good at this, and thanks for making these so we oculd watch them. And so glad you're finally using voices.