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That's better, much better. More guns, less canibalism. But why wait until they had all finished shredding him apart to do something? He could've easily killed them all, but yeah. It was a better idea to just blow their brains out rather than run, though if he were smart he would've shot while running. But yeah, he did seem to waste uncannily large amounts on missing of shooting torsos, rather than heads which obviously make them go down faster. Still, he should've gone for the shotgun after he had wiped out the second plague.

Hey, veyr nice work with the charater designs, really, it smust've taken days to draw those zombies, though damn am I glad they're dead. Veyr very good work with the graphics, though when he was running, the animation was so choppy. It would've been so much better if he had run smoothly, though I can only imagine how much work that would take. Still, I loved this one and hated the other for one reason. Action is nice, horror is not. You're good at both, though please, for Farore's sake, keep the gore level down! Lol, I'm sure you won't listen, so what the hell. Good movies, it must take weeks or months with countless amount of efforts, so thank you for sharing it with the rest of the world.


Sweet merciful Din, what the hell was that?!?!?!?! Damn man, that was the grosest thing I've ever seen. If you made this, you either gritted your teeth with a putrid look of disgust as you animated it, or you're very very sick. I haven't seen anything this overwhelming on flash before. Not a pleasant scene, though I'm horribly transfixed to see more. The guy stood there pinned to the wall and watched his friend gt ripped apart, yet they didn't do anything to him, and he didn't shoot them despite him having an automatic gun which I can't identify. Basically, that shows that the whole point of this was to show some guy getting shredded and eaten by zombies, the plot was pretty much lost. Very disturbing, but I'm horribly transfixed to see the next.

Anyway, the graphics were decent, compared to the best, outstanding compared to the average. You've got a pretty smooth style of animation, but it does seem akward. I would have appreciated voices rather than speech bubbles, and you had good music, but hoppin' damn man! They were the sickest sounds you could've possibly chosen, with the slurping and sucking and ewww..... Very shocking movie, but very good work all the same, whether you're as twisted as this movie or just a good animator who happens to make a zombie thing. Just please.... Man, hopping damn! For the love of Nayru, that was just grose. And please, drop the cape thing. Get's really anooying, or at elast change it so it trails out behind him rather than curls around his leg.

Gotta give you redit for the idea tohugh, but I still agree with a guy from several pages of comments ago. The prologue was what I found most enjoyable. It's why I gave you an 8 for style.


That was really really beautiful. Ultimately symbolic with beautiful music. It had a mysteriously confusing, but beautifully dark sense about it. The graphics weren't the best, but they didn't need to be. It was touching enough to make up for that. Really quite poetic, and very meaningful. I only understood the demons the second time, for I hadnt noticed the sceptre had killed her, but it was really just beautiful. I can say no more to that. Oh, an uh, off topic, but it kinda reminded me of Little Red Riding Hood. Heh, sorry, but nevertheless, absolutely beautiful.


Wow, that was really quite stunning. One of those movies that's about someone who's trapped. Who longs to do the impossible, follows life's dreams and all that but is trapped in the damp dark world of reality, doing what he must and living on. Hey, it's kinda like Fantasia 2000, don't you agree? I really liked it, and I'm sure many people can relate to this. Poor guy though, but wouldn't it be great to fly?

Maybe not the greatest of movies animation/graphics-wise, but it had a deeper sense to it than that, and that's what I liked about it. I like movies that are pointlessly cool, but I like movies with deeper meanings behind them. This was really quite inspirational, though like the rest of us, or I'm hoping most of us, we can't follow our dreams. Nevertheless, wonderful movie.


Sundial responds:

I haven't seen fantasia in years, is it really like this? I'll have to check it out again. Well thanks for the lengthy review! peace!

Not bad, but it could've been much better. The heads of the stickmen seemed overly large, and like joey3391 said, they should've moved fastest and hit harder. Everybody loves cool fight scenes, keep the action going. The music wasn't the greatest, but it was a decent stick movie. nice work.

~Lord Xin~

Oooookay, that was, um, rather... Bad. It was a long movie, and I'm unsure whether you compressed the sound, but it wasn't worth the loading time. Most of the voices sounded the same and were all too high for my liking, except for the evil guys who all had voices too low for my liking. The animation was incredibly poor, the graphics however detailed, were terrible. Really if you take off the sounds it's one of the most pathetic movies on newgrounds, and I'm sorry to say I did not at all find it enjoyable.


Oh man, that was great! Ha! Fantastic job, really hilarious. I'm a huge Zelda Fan, but this was too funny to resist. Incredible originality and you've got the amazing animating skills. It really was a fantastic movie, though I did find some things I didn't like.

At the beginning when it was introducing the history you overused some of the words like evil and Link and Navi etc.

I did liked the voices, all except for Navi's (and maybe Ganondorf's) who got on your nerves. You adrew her amazingly well though. Absolutely fantastic, one of the best Navi's I've seen, but yeah. Her voice can really bug you, ad it sounded a bit too guy like.

At the beginning when Link was in shadow, that could've used some work, but it was still pretty good.

When Zelda road out on her white stallion, wasn't she supposed to be hugging Impa?

Two really minor things that are stupid and insignificant, but when your'e as Zelda crazed as me they bug you. The holes on the Ocarina weren't in alignment (Yes, i'm that crazy) and what was writeen on the Altar wasn't right. Yeah, as I said, insignificant.

The Temple was really quite wonderful, except Link's expression upon entering it.

The three funniest scenes in the movie were when Link dropped the Kokiri Emerald (though you did amazingly well drawing the spiritual stones), when he tried to kick open the doo, and the Matrix scene, Man, that was quality animating! Lol, really cool stuff, though the ends of the guns should've flashed.

Hm, but so was the Ocarina, and the 3D glasses... Ah the hell with it, it was all good.

The Master Sword was well drawn, though it wad two triforces placed upon eachother nearing the hilt, one upside-down, really like a star. And it was considerably thicker.

The Shiek scene was really funny, but she could've been a bit more detailed. Other than that it was great.

The in between scene before Epona's arrival was really great too XD

You've proved my suspicions about how Sheik can move so fast with the Dekuu nuts, but you should've put the flash sorta sound that Deku nuts have when they explode.

And that's it, the rest was really quite perfect. It's obvious you've spent a very long time doing this, and you should be congratulated on your fine work. Very, very well done.


Okay, Dave, now your movies are starting to scare me. Funny, yes, but now with a most morbid sense of humour. Sick and twisting, unlike your earliest movies. I remember the first time I watched Retarded Animal Babies, and I kept coming back to watch it again, because it was funny and had a cuteness around it. That cuteness is replaced a twisted sense of cravings. It's literally starting to scare me, but it makes me more concerned about you. You've lost what your first movies had. Style. Now you're plainly lost it. I'm really sorry to say, but I no longer enjoy watching your movies, and you obviously won't change for one person. One in the hundreds, nay, thousands that have loved your from the start and not realised any change. I just hope you take into consideration what I said, at least to some extent.


Heh, unlike your other movies, this didn't seem to be beased upon one solid (usually hilarious) idea, but rather sorta went with the flow and had funny crap in random parts. Yeah it was enjoyable, but I didn't really cack myself laughing this time. Still, I daresay this is your longest, best animated movie yet with lots of cute mini-ideas rather than expanding on, yeah, a solid plot. Very good work with everything in all ranges.


Aww, now that was nice. It really was quite touching, and had a sense of beauty around it. The only movie I've seen made by you that doesn't have anything remotely funny in it, but it's nice to have a change. Sadly people's opinions of you rarely give you a chance to change because you've set a reputation that they all have to rofl every time they see your movies, but the way you wrote this so delicately, it didn't seem to matter, at least not to me. Deep is a good word to describe it, but is this in any way symbolic of something that really happened to you or someoen you know?


Once an assassin, always an assassin.

Age 34, Male



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