An interesting game.
After playing for about an hour, I realised that I wasn't getting anywhere. That I wasn't accomplishing anything by passing the levels, and the only reason I was spending so much time playing this game was because I felt like I wanted to get my favourite upgrades, and play until I had everything I wanted to. Unfortunately, that was beyond my reach, so I naturally gave up in due time after dying in the evil forest that drained your health.
At any rate, the only way to pass this game is with the life-draining upgrade. The blue one is the strongest, and heals the most. You can take just about any amount of damage if you're firing that thing, and you'll still be on full health.
Anyways, I really appreciate the detail you put into the graphics. The gameplay itself wasn't addictive- just the sense of satisfaction form having your favourite, strongest weapon. Then there wasn't anything else the game had to offer, and because it took so long, you don't really feel like playing again any time soon, because of the lack of a save system, or even a password system to access higher levels.
Not a bad game, but the sort that takes up hours to play and then you realise that there's nothing left to do.