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Do I detect a tad of plagiarism?

Cute and admirable, though. Exceptionally well drawn. What magical tears!

I'm not sure how honest this movie was, but it did touch me somewhat. I wasn't sure whether to take it seriously or not, but the music truly was perfect by selection. I don't know the story behind John and Richie's lawsuit, but it is a terrifying thought.

You know? Despite the fact I couldn't help but burst out in laughter at some parts, this touched my heart. Well... Some of it. You've actually inspired me to check out Piconjo's work. I'm impressed. Well... Er, good, but awkward job.


PS: You know when your balls itch? That's microscopic bugs burrowing through your scrotum. =)


Forgive me for saying, but this lacked a definite punchline. I found it to be more mediocre than your others. The first of the series was hilarious, all those years ago, with cute but retarded animal babies- hence the name. The second and third got worse, but then you changed style entirely and went to nudity jokes and morbid humour. It worked, for most people.

This episode didin't really fit either of the aforementioned. Sort of one of those awkward attempts at a sequel for the sake of another movie- not the greatest plot, but everybody loved the first one so hopefully it'll pay off.

Sorry, but this isn't one of your better episodes.


PS: When Puppy speaks after clicking the cake in the opening menu, this is what he says. And yeah, I didn't bother emailing Dave because a few dozen people would have by now.
"[something] RAB 16, which is only going to be on the next DVD. Be the first to decipher this, an email me with the subject line XQ4 and then you'll get a free copy of the DVD! Fucking eh!"

That's the one!

Definite winner for the greatest music video of the month. Man those smiley's are a bitch, and you're right! NOBODY likes them! Perfect ending. That guy encapsulated the response that each of us yearns to do in our hearts. Perfect voice acting for that, and overall, a very well synchronised flash with beat you can almost dance to. THANK YOU for making it.


Ha HA!

Happy 100th anniversary, Knox old buddy old chum old sport old pal!

Now the movie! Lol! What awesome humour. It's so incredibly stupid. I did noticed that Jason was missing a bandage (and had his full arm) in one of the scenes. And lol! Moustaches. And ROFL! Killer books! Ahhh that's just gold humour.

Your clay movies really are remarkable. I guess you're reknowned to be the God of clay- just like you wanted, hey? Cheers out.


Music from One Piece? Excellent choice!

An overall fantastic movie! I don't recall the last time I've seen animation quite as smooth as that. You could easily give Granfaloon a run for his money. Perfect anime character design, and well synchronised with the music. Nelly's got amazing hair, and you have to wonder her profession. Without going too deep into story, the film remained most delectable and very neatly done. Smiffy! Do make another one sooner than a year, won't you?



You haven't continued that yet?! Good heavens, this must be your next project. You've enticed my curiousity to no end!

I was stunned to realise I couldn't recall what "Valhalla Knights" was about. I decided to watch it again, to trigger my memory, and you can only iamgien my rapture when I discovered a whole new movie made by your glorious self. I did notice a few things.

Firstly, that's the coolest intro to a movie I've seen in... Well, possibly ever. You have a real talent for fight scenes, and such a character! You also avoided making it perverted, which is unusual when starring a female protagonist. Moving on a bit, you did very well on costume, but particularly character designs. You've created a unique and intriguing story Jerry- you can't leave the fans of Newgrounds hanging forever.

You are, without a doubt, the greatest animator on the internet. At least, in my opinion. Not even Adam Phillips can match your stories, though his animation is something for competition. Just barely though- I still say you're ideas are endlessly cooler.

There were a few notable similarities to Moonlight, too. I recognised some of the stances and poses, some of the fighting techniques and even the sound effects. I also noticed that Ken had the same voice as Juste- the hero from Moonlight. I'm something of a fan of yours. I tend to pick up things like that.

Anyway, you may not be able to get the girls, or even the bag guys, but... You get a pretty sweet car regardless :)

This has incredible potential. As per usual, you had a flawless choice of music and an incredibly slick animation. Your graphics and texture is unique in the shading, but I particularly love the sincerity you put in this movie. The story could branch out so many places, could involve so many things and lead so many destinations. You must commence finishing the next one as soon as you can!

Yours in waiting, and ever loyal fan,


An intelligent movie, indubitably.

Though I would debate the pronunciation of a few of the names, it's clear you're done at least a little research on the history of philosophy. What surprised me was how you could convey it so it would not bore simple ears, and yet still question the well learned.

The credits provided much needed comic relief after being slammed with information for ten solid minutes. I've thought about all of these things myself, and many others since I read the book "Sophie's World" by Joseinn Gardner (spelling of the authoress may be a bit off). I highly recommend it to an intelligent mind like yourself, and any other that may be out there.

To resume commenting on the movie, I felt that the character design and graphics were both unique and adorabe. I think the movie needs a pause button, just to take a break and to either ponder or otherwise. Also, while I appreciate the lip sync and varying expressions of the protagonist, our beloved Da Dinictus, I think it's a reasonable assumption for people to be more concerned with reading the subtitles than interpretting his facial quirks.

Finally, moving on to challenging the ideas presented in the movie itself, I can't say there's a great deal to challenge at all. There were more questions than statements, but I do debate one point you brought up. If everything is predestined, if we have no choice in what we do because someone or something already planned out our lives, there is still meaning. Because we do not know our destinies, what's going to happen next, we have the ability to make choices that will, theoretically, ultimately lead us to fulfil our fate. Choice is an illusion, but because we can't prove that, we're happy believing we have some control of our own lives.

Personally I'm not for existentialism. I had to look into it for a high school project last year, and when I had finally sorted out my thoughts after days on end, I realised I was sick of the notion. You're right though. Without hope, there is no will. Without hope, there is no chance. Without hope, there is no ability, nor reason, nor anything. Hope is a truly wonderful thing. Something to be cherished and nurtured, and something that will refresh us in return. It can be found in each of us, and can bring light to the darkest of places.
"It bends, it twists, it sometimes hide, but rarely does it break. It sustains us when nothing else can."
(those two quotes came from my present wallpaper- it'sj ust a daily reminder that no situation is ever hopeless until one gives up hope).

Anyway, I've given my little dip in philosophy. I hope I've provided some insight with my incessant ramblings. I still have one question, more puzzling, a larger conundrum than I have ever encountered, greater than all aforementioned questions in the film put together;

Why "R"?


Very nice!

Damn man. I like the characterisation very much, but especially the viewer positioning. From the first movie, we've inclined to despise the Dinos. And here they are, claiming supreme victory. I liked the use of implication rather than explicitly saying the King was wounded and that his contour doomed. At the same time, you maintained a high level of artistic quality and animation, which has vastly improved from the early movies. All that's left is to wonder...

What's next?


That is so incredibly awesome!

You didn't show the mini-gun, and true, you didn't really have time to explain the whole "The alien gave me a suit for... what reason?" thing, but this was by far one of the greatest teasers I've seen. It has such enormous potential to go so many places and do so many things! It really is a pity you didn't manage to pull off the TV deal. I really think you deserved it! Excellent, truly excellent work.


Artistically done!

There were a few mistakes I picked up throughout the course of the movie. Firstly, you skipped number 5 in the list :P Other than that, it's just grammar here and there. It was also a very, very slow presentation. It really doesn't take that long to read a page, and I was going to attempt to write this review while I watched it, but the movie progressed just a little too fast for me to get more than a sentence in. It would have been neat if you speeded things up a bit.

57600 babies are born a day. 40000 children alone die from preventable diseases. The problem with overpopulation is that it's exponential, and that the more people we have populating the Earth, the more people there are going to be.

I found this flash while going to random submissions, and I've been thinking about this problem for a long time myself. While I do agree with you in saying that there will indubitably be epidemics and plagues and diseases that will wipe out billions, and sooner or later bacteria will become immune to all but the most potent of medicines, I don't believe it's healthy to wait that long. We'll have damaged the planet beyond repair, wreaked havoc on every ecosystem left, and viruses and bacteria and such will reign on the corpses of the infinite dead matter. I've been thinking about this problem for a long time, too, and I was most appreciative to see someone make a serious attempt at explaining and solving it. Unfortunately, I don't think waiting around is really going to solve everything in the longrun.

However, I've also realised, through the production of this film, that either way, a great deal of us are going to die. Whether by taking overpopulation into my own hands, gaining control of the world through military force (and thus wiping out about half of it), and then resuming populating control via birthrate, or whether we all simply die of bird flu, the end result is the same. Somehow, humankind is going to finish itself (and probably the Earth) off. It's a depressing thought, isn't it? It shouldn't be. Seeing as we're most likely doomed, regardless, why worry? Enjoy life, slow down the damnation process by recycling and not littering, and be merry.

*sigh* Ah well. We've all gotta die some time. I'm just sorry that we've screwed the world over and caused so much suffering to the other occupants of this planet, as well as ourselves. If only we'd learned how to be good guests, and to walk lightly on the earth as other creatures do.

Saved to favourites, in the hopes someone else will find this.


PS: Absolutely adorable credits. And I was actually talking to my computer when it asked me if I really wanted to know.
"Yes. I do. Yes really! Yes! Get on with it!" =)

ZipLock-Studios responds:

Wow. i have to say that your review has got to be the best I've received EVER. Thank you so much for taking the time you did to write this.

Once an assassin, always an assassin.

Age 34, Male



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